Auto Body Repair | Auto Body Paint | Collision Center | Windshield and Automotive Glass Repair | Specialized Services
Specialized Services
Towing Services
Lilly's Body Shop offers reliable trust worthy towing services to better service our customers needs under the name McClard's Towing. You can arrange to have your vehicle towed directly to our facility, or to another destination, any time of day. Towing services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Rental Car
We have numerous partnerships with the most trusted names in rental car services. We can help you get a rental car at a reduced rate so that you don't have to be with out a car while we fix your vehicle.
Pickup and Delivery
Lilly's Body Shop offers all of our customers and potential customers with complementary pick up and delivery services. If you need a ride home from an estimate or you want us to drop your car off when it is finished just let our service staff know and we will arrange pick up and or delivery.